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Ashley Cunningham

Adoption Profile Book Writer + Designer

Adoptive Mom since 2021

Business Communications since 2018


Graphic Designer + Website Developer since 2007


Marketer since 2007


Who am I?

I'm an adoptive mom of two (one through agency, one not.) 
I live in Calgary, where I focus on raising two kind, gentle + brave little boys. 

My livelihood is graphic design, website development and everything marketing. 


I love to write, and create. 


I'm not your typical "rainbow + unicorns" adoptive mom.  Maybe because I'm an empath; I see and feel the emotions of expectant moms + adoptees without even meeting them. 


It's a hard line to walk. 

Adoption made me a mom.

Adoption made my dreams come true. 

Adoption tore a family apart. 

Adoption will always be the reason. 


I wrote my profile book with that in mind, after all, it was about her, not me. 

They knew how excited and happy we were to have our son join our home,

They didn't need to read about it when choosing a family.  


This is the lens that I use when writing profile books. To show the family reading it who you are, and what to expect if they choose you, in a way that is thoughtful and sensitive. 

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