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I got everything I ever wanted in 42 days.

Ok, not exactly 42 days, but there were 42 days between the time our profile books were delivered to the agency, to when we got the call.  Our son was born 3 days later. 


There's more to this story. My point is, we were purposefully chosen because of our photobook, quickly. The agency told us that. Our sons family told us that. 

Our Adoption Story - in context of why it matters to you. 

In your time as a waiting parent you'll hear dozens of adoption stories; whether you want to or not - it just seems to come with the territory! While ours may be on the more dramatic side than others, my intention isn't to share it in this space. It's our sons story. his families story. our story.  Truly, I only want to share the pieces of our story that I think matter to you; as an adoptive waiting family, considering utilizing my services to help you get matched faster. 


We waited a lot longer than 42 days. In fact we were part of the infamous Adoption By Choice Closure, and started over with A Small Miracle in 2020. We were on the list with ABC for over a year with no calls, spent almost a year transitioning to A Small Miracle, and then, yes 42 days after they received our profile books, we were matched. 


This is what I will tell you.


There was no reason for us to be chosen so quickly. 

- We aren't rich.

- We aren't doctors, or lawyers. 

- We aren't one of those couples you just look at and know they'll get matched quickly. 


In fact, we were told there were things about us that might make us "hard to match". 



The mistake I made with our adoptive profile book was:


I asked for advice + critique from both agencies, and took it way too seriously. 

Specifically, with the first agency. I put everything I knew about design, and even marketing into our profile book, and was told to edit it to appeal to a teenage girl. That's how our profile book ended up being neon green and pink. Neither of us like pink or neon colors. It wasn't us. And I knew it the entire time.


The agency was focused on having us create an adoption profile book that appealed to all expectant mothers (well at least the teenage ones...). If every adoption profile book appeals to all the expectant moms, what's the point? 


So when ABC shut down, I redid our entire adoption profile book. From scratch. I got rid of the ugly neon and pink patterns, and created a profile book that was us, inside and out.


I created an adoption profile book that only had to appeal to one expectant mother; our sons mom. 


It worked. Fast. But I would have waited a long time for this match. 


Why? Well the obvious, but also. Our adoption profile book so clearly explained who were were, what kind of relationship we wanted our son (and us) to have with his family, and that's what we got. 


If I had appealed to every expectant mom, we might not have stood out to the family who choose us.


The family wanted what we wanted in an open adoption, and I hope they feel like they got it; because we do. 



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